The COVID effect on giving back.
What a roller coaster 2020 has been. I don’t want to make our Seventh Kindness Mountain all about COVID, so I’m writing this piece to deal with the elephant in the room first.

COVID has put a damper on all things.
Even giving back has changed.
Typically we sponsor families in our children’s school, but health units have put a stop to schools accepting donations for families in need. Only monetary donations can be accepted.
Agencies I typically work with also were unsure about accepting donations. The Christmas tree at the arena that made it easier for families to give back no longer stands tall.
COVID has sucked the life out of the simple enjoyments, especially this Christmas. Like our Kindness Mountain delivery day to Kawartha Lakes agencies. We’d mark the date, set the appointments and do 3 -5 stops in the early morning, wearing our Christmas hats and cheer. Working as Santa’s Little Helpers, spreading cheer and warming hearts. Delivery day is a moment that makes me so proud as a mother, a moment our kids come down to earth and feel the joy of giving.

Sponsors have less to give.
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure how it would go reaching out to many of the sponsors and agencies I work with. First off, we haven’t talked since last year. Secondly, COVID has been financially tough on businesses, big and small.
My request came in late – again COVID – we’ve been homeschooling, saving our business and in hiding at home. But the kids begged me, honestly, they did.
“Mom, I will help you with all the pictures and social.”
“Mom, it’s what we do.”
“Mom, pretty please!”
“Mom, families still need our help.”
How can you argue with that?
So I send my 7th annual Kindness Mountain pitches personally to over 70 of my contacts gathered over the year. And once I hit send I prayed. Although the response was slow, we still received positive feedback and continued interest in the incentive we’ve been building since 2014.
Yes, some of the smaller brands couldn’t commit this year – again COVID – we will continue to send along positive vibes to them for an increase in sales.
I’m happy the kids begged me to email my pitches. I’m happy our Dream Cames True.
Stay tuned for our next piece all about the amazing brands who supported our holiday incentive the year of COVID.
Please follow #KindnessMountain on your favourite social media account for more about our not-for-profit holiday incentive!
Sixth annual Kindness Moutain Christmas incentive.
Donations to families struggling this season in 2017
Who needs your donations at Christmas? From 2016
We Give Back – Kindness Mountain In 2015
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