SIXTH ANNUAL KINDNESS MOUNTAIN CHRISTMAS INCENTIVE | Plus, how do you find the families you support?

Truth be told.
This year is our sixth annual Kindness Mountain and my favorite campaign of the year. To be honest, I considered skipping it this year; I’m juggling a few balls and feeling very overwhelmed. BUT when I weighted the idea and spoke it out loud, my heart broke. I realized this campaign I’ve created feeds my soul and something deep inside me that I’m meant to do.
“Giving becomes an addiction that I am not willing to give up on.”
I’ve created this not-for-profit holiday incentive as my way of giving back and speaking to my passion of helping others. We’ve been very blessed through my blog and the thought of creating a gift guide and reviewing toys because that’s what everyone else is doing is daunting to me. With our yearly Kindness Mountain, I can fill the bucket of those who need some JOY in their life and teach our children the importance of looking outside of your front door. At the same time, I can showcase all the incredible brands I’ve worked with over the years in a natural and generous way.
Where do these donations go?
Thanks to your help, our 2019 Kindness Mountain Christmas Incentive supported seven (7) families and 15 children in The City of Kawartha Lakes. These families don’t use outside resources; they’ve been through hard times in 2019, and asking for help isn’t always easy. These children have lost a parent, lost homes, lost love and deserve a break.
How do you find the families you support?
I’ve been asked, how do you find the families you support? Great question.
Ask your school. Ask a teacher.
This is a common question I get asked. A big part of our giving back goes right to our families at our local school. Your school doesn’t need to be low-income to have a need. Even middle-class families have hiccups in life and the walls can come down on your finances and mental health quickly. I don’t know who these families are, and I don’t want to know. Each year I ask our secretary who she thinks needs support this Christmas. Our community is so amazing; together, these families receive a whole turkey dinner, gifts for the kids, mom, dad, and love and support from their village without judgment.
That’s exactly what I pray we all could do for our neighbors, support without judgment.
Ask a friend.
I have a few friends who work with mental health, disabilities clients. They go into homes to help, and they know who truly needs, families that can use a lift in life right now.
Contact your local seniors’ home.
My heart broke when I found out that seniors homes run a campaign during the holiday season called “Adopt a Senior.” Quickly, I knew we needed to adopt as many as our budget could handle. With all they’ve been through in life, seen, supported, loved, and lost, how could they not have anyone show up on Christmas?
“Remember, there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”~ Scott Adams
Contact a Church.
Ask your township office.
Ask the library.
Ask the local coffee shop.
Ask online in a parenting group.
Talk to your neighbors, friends.
Talk to your local Chimo, children’s groups, Boys and Girls Club.
Chances are someone will know someone who needs support this season.
By communicating your intentions the universe will put the need in front of you.
THANK YOU, VTECH CANADA, Leapfrog, Mattel Games, HASBRO, BOOGIE WIPES, KANDOO KIDS, MATTEL, LEAPFROG, DIONO, FUNRISE TOYS, Cuteitos, Mastermind Toys, CAT Tough Rigs products, MGA Entertainment, We Made Me, Diono, Wicked Cool Toys, Raincoast Books, Asmodee, Spin Master Ltd., Razer, Orange Naturals, and TOM’S OF MAINE for all your donations to our sixth annual Kindness Mountain.
Please follow #KindnessMountain on your favorite social media account for more about the kindness of these brands and what they donated this year.
Read more about our previous Kindness Mountain Christmas Incentives by clicking below:
Donations to families struggling this season in 2017
Who needs your donations at Christmas? From 2016
We Give Back – Kindness Mountain In 2015
Thank you for reading In R Dream Canadian Blog.
Please note: this post is in no way sponsored. This initiative is my way of giving back. I donate all my time, efforts, and all the sample product brands and clients send me for our Kindness Mountain. I pray that everyone feels joy and love this season. If you’d like to be on my list for our 2020 #KindnessMountain, please email me. Thank you. Happy Holidays!