Five Reasons Your Canadian Girl Needs Maplelea Girls Under The Tree + Giveaway

Being Canadian we teach our children the importance of being “proud Canadians.”From supporting little ma and pa shops in the downtown core to buying Canadian when we can. And there is one Canadian brand I’m very proud my not so little girl came to love during her childhood. Maplelea Girls. Keep reading for five reasons your Canadian girl needs Maplelea Girls under the tree.
“Maplelea Girls (Canadian Dolls) mission is to make a difference in the lives of Canadian children. By providing age-appropriate dolls that promote creative play and healthy, active lifestyles. All the while fostering a love and interest in Canadian culture, heritage and geography. Our dolls and products are meant to be both an inspiration to, and a reflection of, Canadian girls from coast to coast.”
Five Reasons Your Canadian Girl Needs Maplelea Girls Under The Tree
Maplelea Girls comes with seven dolls from Canada’s West coast to the Eastern Shore. Seven Canadian Girl Dolls with love, interests in Canada designed just for a genuinely proud Canadian Girl. Here are five reasons your Canadian Girl needs Maplelea Girls under the tree.
Maplelea Girls Tell A Canadian Story
Each premium quality Maplelea Girls Doll is 18 inches with a soft, huggable body and poseable arms and legs. Her eyes open and close and her smile melts your heart. They come entirely clothed with a keepsake storage box for accessories. Plus, a 64-page story journal including questions, blanks and prompts helping you tell your Canadian story too — a truly Canadian Doll for your truly Canadian girl.
Maplelea Girls Are A Canadian Keepsake For Your Canadian Daughter
Maplelea Girls are more than just a doll. Maplelea Girls are a keepsake your Canadian daughter will cherish and keep over the years. Her Maplelea Girls can be passed down to generations to come, along with a Canadian heritage to be proud of. Our daughter is 12 years old has donated her Barbie dolls and baby dolls, but she’s kept Taryn proudly in her Hockey Gear to one day pass on to her little girl.
Maplelea Girls Represent Your Canadian Girl
Being a Canadian Girl Hockey Player and having a Canadian Doll that represents precisely who our daughter is; makes me happy. Our Hockey girl knows who she is, knows her place and her uniqueness and Maplelea Girls focus on the differences our Canadian Girls feel and require to be confident in their own skin.
Maplelea Girls Are Unique Like Your Daughter
Maplelea Girls are uniquely Canadian just like your Canadian Girl is unique too. From blond, hair to black hair. Dark skin to light skin. French Canadian to Inuktitut Canadian. From a bookworm to a hockey player and everything in-between. You can create your own unique doll by shopping in the Maplelea Friends section which takes the Maplelea Girl collection to a whole new level. They genuinely have a doll for every Canadian girl.
Maplelea Girls – Made For Canadians by Canadians
Maplelea Girls uses real Canadian Girls as their models. Yes, they are always on the hunt for the next Maplelea Girl model, and it could be your little girl. Maplelea Girls hosts meet-up events. Including a fashion show for little girls and their dolls, motivation, inspiration, what’s new and more.
A Canadian Doll for your truly Canadian girl.
Maplelea Girls are Generous.
One lucky In R Dream reader will win a Maplelea Girls Canadian doll ($115 value) of their choosing.
Maplelea Girls – Canadian Doll for your truly Canadian girl.
Contest Disclaimer: By entering the following contest you are accepting that if you win, your contact information will be shared with Maplelea Girls to organize your prize. If your name is chosen and you do not reply or confirm your win within 24 hrs, another winner will be selected. All winners must be from within Canada (excluding Quebec) contest ends December, 17th 2018. Please note, this prize is not guaranteed to be delivered in time for Christmas day, although the sponsor will try their best.
Thank you, for reading In R Dream Canadian Blog.
Thank you, Maplelea Girls for sponsoring this giveaway. As always, these are our opinions and this, and all reviews are written with honesty from our heart.
I think Jenna is really fun and cute
Alexi because that’s the doll my daughter wants, I’m pretty sure it because she saw her dressed up as a gymnast ! So much creativeness
we love Charlsea because she is adventurous and fun! love the bright colors she loves to wear
I would pick Jenna because my granddaughters used to live there.
Saila as it honors our culture
Alexi Neele is my favorite because she is a city gal with great sense of style!
just love KMF11 Maplelea Friend with short curly black-brown hair , she reminds me of one of my granddaughters!
Jenna is my favourite!
I love the Brianne doll she is so pretty and love her western look
my niece would probably like them all, but Charlsea really does look like her
I love Léonie because she is from Quebec like my daughters’ cousins, and because my daughter would love a doll that looks like her.
jenna reminds me of one of my nieces
Taryn is my favorite because she is outdoorsy and reminds me of my niece
Jenna is my favourite, she looks so much like my granddaughter
another i really like is the Maplelea Friend with long curly brown hair. Love her hair!
Brianne is my favorite as she is western/cowgirlish like my niece
I also like Saila she is such a pretty Doll and I think my granddaughter would like her !
She is beautiful!
I’d pick Charlsea because my niece has brown hair and blue eyes just like Charlsea
It would be special to have a doll that looks like her!
I love Léonie because my daughter would love a doll that looks like her!
not sure if i posted the mandatory q, but TARYN is the one we’d choose (until we win, then i’m sure the answer will c hange at least 5 times
I still love Léonie the best, I think her outfit is the cutest too!
love them all , Charlsea is one my granddaughter has been asking for!
leoni as she resembles one of my great nieces
I love the Brianne doll as she looks so western
I love Alexi Neele because she loves Science and my granddaughter wants her so bad !
I really like Léonie because shes a cute doll
Charlsea is my favourite she seems like a free spirit
Charlsea because she’s beautiful!
I like Saila because she is like the women in our family.
I like the Jenna doll because she looks a lot like my one niece with the red hair.
I like Léonie as she looks a lot like my granddaughter.
i would choose leoni as she is almost identical to one of my nieces.
I love the Brianne doll she looks western and my niece would love her
I love Alexi Neele because she is on my granddaughter list!
because she is most like my granddaughter I would choose KMF23 Maplelea Friend
I still would choose Léonie as my favourite because of the connection to Quebec where my husband’s family lives – love that connection for our girls.
My favorite doll is charlsea! Love her outfit
Saila is a favourite, she is unique and a pretty doll!
Alexi is adorable. They all are with their unique persoanlitel
I really like Jenna who live in Nova Scotia and is very cute too.
I would choose Alexi! My husband is first language French (Egypt) and my girls attend a French Immersion school.
Leonie is my favourite, and it’s because she looks the most like my daughter.
How special for her to have a doll that looks like her!
KMF23 Maplelea Friend because she is most like my granddaughter
my niece would love Brianne, this doll is similar to her, western cowgirl type
I love Léonie because she looks like my granddaughter.
Charlsea is another favourite of mine because she is from the West Coast like I am!
I love Alexi too. She is so cute and adorable. They all are… with all their different traits.
My favourite is Léonie because I love her outfits
I would choose KMF23 Maplelea Friend because she is most like my granddaughter
I like Saila the lest because she is unique and I have never otherwise seen a doll representing the Inuit heritage
Charlsea is similar to my granddaughter, she would really like her!
I love Alexi Neele because she loves Science just like my granddaughter,she would love her!
I love the Brianne doll she is cute and looks like a cowgirl
I like Brianne, because she lives where we live
I really love Charlsea because she’s so outdoorsy!
my niece would pick taryn as it looks like her sister. she would find it funny having a doll looking like her sister
The Jenna doll would be the one my granddaughter would pick.. She is from Nova Scotia just like her.
I love Léonie because she looks like my younger daughter and she is from Quebec – that would give my girls a connection to their roots since their dad is originally from Quebec.
I like Taryn because i like her hair
Charlsea is the doll my granddaughter likes because she likes her outfit and her happy face.
My fave is Jenna, she reminds me so much of my granddaughter and even has the red hair, that is the one i am sure my granddaughter would love as well!!
my daughter would like Alexi because she likes her outfit
I like the Brianne doll she reminds me of my niece, very western, she loves horses
I love Alexi and I know my daughter would love her too!
I would say Léonie as she most resembles my daughter
Our favorite is Sailia because she resembles my little kiddos
Alexi is my favourite because she is a gymnist like my daughter.
That is so special!
They are all so nice.I like Alexi Neele because she loves Science just like my granddaughter!
We would also like Alexi because her outfit is super cute
My favourite is Charlsea because she lives on the BC coast as do we, and loves to kayak!
We would pick Taryn, for Emily , thanks, (She picked it and says she is pretty)
I love Saila because I am indigenous and love dolls that are like me. She is so beautiful and I love her boots.
Alexi – she’s a city girl like us!
Léonie because she looks like my granddaughter.
I like Taryn because she loves and cares for nature.
I like Saila because she is from up North and unique!
Charlsea because she wants to be an architect like my daughter does.
I really like Alexi Neele because she loves Science!
Leonie…for my one year grand daughter who lives in Israel
That would be a very special gift for her all the way from Canada.
I would like to win Taryn for my granddaughter because she has her on her Wishlist !
i like Chalsea because she kind of looks like my niece