Once Upon A Time: Missing You Gifts For The Kids

Once Upon A Time: Missing You Gifts For The Kids

Days, months and years past. The lima bean that was once in your belly is now 10 years old. It all happened in the blink of an eye.

The last time you and your husband took of on a romantic getaway leaving the kids for more than two nights was before your once lima bean was only a dream.

The idea sounds great, a dream come true. A trip of a lifetime. But deep down inside you know this will be one of the hardest things you’ll do. 

Leaving your children for 10 days.

Once upon a time twenty years ago to be exact, during our late night chats with my then boyfriend now husband. You know the ones I mean. When you fall asleep on the phone together because curfews and parents got in the way. During our teen years, we spent many of those nights connected to our landlines listening to the other drift to dreamland. True love.

Love, Happy Heart,

On one of those sleepless nights of late night chatting, we dreamed of exploring Italy together. For our 20 year anniversary, we’d say.

How does one celebrate, 20 years of togetherness, 14 years being married, four fabulous children, dreams that reach the moon all sandwiched by endless love?

You follow your dream!

Off to Italy, We Go! 

Travel Blogger, Canadian Travel Blogger, Toronto Blogger, Canadian Blogger,


We dream of touching history throughout the world. Seeing the great wall of China, Exploring the Coliseum in Rome. Cooking on the barbie in Australia. Travel is a huge part of our dreams. 

Missing You Gifts

This time, we are leaving the kids at home. To ease their worries, I made “missing you gifts” for the kids.

Missing you gifts, gifts for kids when you are travelling without them, travelling without kids

I wrapped new books, some about Italy, but mostly ones I knew they could snuggle with Nana and read together. I wrapped them in kraft paper and wrote sweet messages on them. I know this will be hard for us all and I hope these little gifts make them smile. 

Follow along on Twitter or Instagram @inRdream as we road trip through Italy!

Where do you dream of travelling too?

Thank you for reading In R Dream!  

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