Entrepreneur Story: Glama Gal Tween Spa Q&A #IRDFeature

Josie from Glama Gal Tween Spa spilled it…
Meet entrepreneur Josie a mother, wife and an entrepreneur who started the “Glama Gal Tween Spa” with her sister. Together they have turned it into a franchise with 7 locations in Ontario. Plus some huge top secret locations in Canada they are working on!
Their entrepreneur story is an inspiration and truly is the meaning behind following your dreams.
Grab a tea and take a” Me” moment, you deserve it.
My name is Josie Cannone and I am one of the Creators of the “Glama Gal Tween Spa” concept. I attended the University of Toronto and received a bachelors of education to pursue a career in teaching, soon after graduating me and my sister decided to continue a business idea we had already started and expand it into more than what it was originally thought to be. We started a small business and have grown to 7 locations across Ontario.
I am a mom of a two year old handsome little boy and wife to a hardworking and supportive spouse. I am a middle child and have an older sister Laura, my business partner and also a younger brother Robert who is currently a grade 6 teacher. As a middle child I look at myself as being a sibling that never wanted to conform, always thinking outside the box and always driven to succeed following in my older sisters path and continuing to display that for my younger brother. I was blessed to come from great parents who always instilled important values in me and my siblings, teaching us that memories and time together are the best gift ever.
My parents made us understand that materialistic items are of less or no value where as time together is what counts the most. My father worked two to three jobs at times to help support our family while my mother was a stay at home mom. My father and mother made the decision together that my mother would stay home with us while my father worked to support the financial aspect of the family. My mother is a creative and driven lady who would bring us everywhere and involve us in everything , seeing her prepare meals, clean the house, take care of all of our needs and be actively involved in our school was a job that was hard to fulfill, she was constantly working in my eyes as a child. My father who was working night shifts and sometimes double shifts would take every resting time he had to see us, and spend time with us instead of resting before his next shift. My father would make sure we always had a table full of food, and provided us with all the important necessities of life even if that meant more sacrifices for him. My childhood was one filled with great memories. My father passed away suddenly, before me and my sister grew our franchise system, even though he was not here to see us during our expansion, I believe that his presence and words of motivation is what allowed us to continue through all challenges and obstacles that we came across.
“To me to become a good business owner you must have a good family support system, to help you through difficult times, provide you with more purpose and to celebrate your achievements.”
What inspired you to start a business?
It’s hard to say that there was just one thing that inspired me to start a business because really our business was not seen as a business concept, I believe our business concept inspired us. There was the demand for a unique party place unlike any other, each client we met inspired us even more by learning the need for bonding time for moms and daughters, to the importance of skin regime and helping young girls build confidence and friendships. My sister and I were inspired by really everything and everyone surrounding us. Our parents supported us and encouraged us to grow this unique concept. Children’s reactions after visiting our first store would inspire us to add more meaning into what the experience would truly be about.
If there was one piece of advice you could give about running a successful business, what would it be?
Lead by example; meaning for any business you decide to open you must show your employees you will work as hard as they will work. Treat your employees with the most respect and the way you would want them to treat your clients. Treat your clients well and be open to all criticism and feedback, because that is what will help your business grow towards being better than it was before. All feedback is good feedback but listen to it and see how to utilize it.
What is one word to describe you?
“Nothing great was achieved without enthusiasm”
What in life brings you happiness?
My accomplishments bring me happiness, being able to experience motherhood and being blessed with a child is my most proud accomplishment. Seeing all that my business has accomplished and what it has reached to today, all the children it has effected, all the smiles and memories it has created for others is an accomplishment I will always be grateful for.
What is the best advice you can give to working moms, juggling it all?
Have fun! & Stay Calm! There will be times when you feel like there are not enough hours in a day to do everything, but remember somehow and someway it will all get done. When you get aggravated or show your stress the first thing it will effect is your business, your employees and your family. Once you have your juggling routine perfected enjoy the moments you have with your family and make them meaningful. When you are at work really have fun with what you do and remind yourself of why you started this business to begin with.
Our little girl loved Glama Gals Tween Spa read our full review including fabulous pictures here:
Glama Gal Tween Spa Is A Must Experience For Every Little Girl!
Follow, like and plan with them: Glama Gals on Twitter | Glama Gals on Facebook | Glama Gals website.
Thank you for reading In R Dream!
I always enjoy meeting new Canadians with great ideas and this is not the first (or last time) that I’ve hear about Glama Gals. My daughter is just at the age (and interest level) that I’m looking into taking her for a spa experience. I’m hoping that one of the “secret locations” is in Ottawa. Thanks for introducing us to Josie.
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo