Kraft #NewPourables Salad Vinaigrette’s Recipe Ideas

Food is my weakness, I eat for entertainment, I eat to enjoy and I eat to indulge. Over the years my taste buds have grown to love fine foods, exploding with flavors made without artificial flavors or colors. It is very important for me to steer my family clear of add ins. My recent introductions to Kraft Pourables had me intrigued to give them a try.

Would it meet my expectations? Would it taste fresh? 

” Well they not only met my expectations by they surpassed them too. With a salad dressing that tastes that good, eating salad for a main is just plain yummy. ” 

Kraft Pourables

” I know I am not the only mother who struggles to come up with a meal that give’s me the sophistication my taste buds require and also pleases the kids. So I have learned to cut a few extra veggies and serve them up raw to the kids as a side dish and with the help of Kraft Pourables I can top those raw veggies for mama and dada with a bit of jazz. “

Kraft Pourables

Kraft Pourables

Four yummy Salad Vinaigrette’s: 

  • Berry Balsamic
  • Roasted Yellow Pepper, Garlic and Lime
  • Fire Roasted Tomato with Basil
  • Garlic Parmesan with Roasted Cauliflower

Kraft Pourables are made with real fruits and vegetables, No artificial flavors or colors, low-fat and salt, with between 25 – 30 calories per serving. All well giving you a bold and fresh taste.

With such a great dressing it makes thinking outside the box a bit easier too. Kraft Pourables can be used for more than salads, the possibilities are endless.

Kraft Pourables can be used traditionally as a dressing or you can think outside the box.

  “Kraft Fruit & Veg dressings are made with fruits and veggies for a bold, fresh taste”

 How would you use Kraft Pourables to jazz up your meal? 

 Thanks for reading In R Dream!

( Thanks She Blog’s and Kraft for this review opportunity. All opinions are my own.)

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