FEATURED GIFT: Send Girls to School Through World Vision Canada Gift Catalogue

The Privilege We Don’t Count.
Education is a privilege in North America that we take for granted. School buses come to your front door, and they pick our children up at the corner of your street. And there is always space made to accommodate your school-age children in the classroom. Heck, our two older children have been supplied with brand new Dell laptops along with all the other students in their classes this year! Sure, we’re dealing with large classroom sizes and overworked teachers, but we also have safe schools to send our girls too. Overseas, parents cannot send girls to school, and here is why.
No-one Asked For This.
Overseas, little girls are walking upwards of 6 kilometers each day to fetch water when instead they should be in school. The water they are collecting isn’t typically clean or fresh, definitely not something that we’d grab a glass of here in Canada. I mean, these girls’ families are struggling to obtain daily necessities. Not because they asked to be in this situation, because they were born into it. No one asks to struggle in life; no one asked for this.

Send Girls to School Through World Vision Canada Gift Catalogue
Writing this article reminds me to count my blessings and thank the universe for my heritage here in Canada.
I am Canadian!
I can dream freely.
I can walk freely.
I can turn on the tap and drink clean, cold freshwater.
I can send my children to school.
I can help send a girl to school through World Vision Canada.
Can You Imagine?
Working and carrying out essential daily tasks for their families isn’t the only reason little girls don’t get to go to school in many parts around the world. According to World Vision, poverty, discrimination, and exploitation also play a part. Think about the sweet little girl in your life, could you imagine her being stripped of the best part of life by not having the opportunity of an education?
Nope, I can’t imagine that for myself, my daughter, or any of my nieces. As a little girl, my dreams were big. I wanted to be more than I could ever imagine and fill my home with love, children, and happiness. I wanted to be more than my eyes saw, more than the stories my past told, I wanted to pave my road and destiny. I wanted to be the best I could be! I did that and was able to achieve this because I had the privilege of getting an education. I am grateful for the teachers, the experiences, the books I read, and the incredible man I fell in love with, a man I chose, a path we wanted, and a destiny we created.

We cannot imagine, but we can help.
In Canada, we hear about girls all over the world who struggle to get an education, but don’t know how to help.
Repeat after me…
I can help send girls to school
I can help send girls to school
Thanks to World Vision Canada’s Gift Catalogue, Canadians can Send Girls to School in developing countries. With a donation of either $100 or $200, you can help give girls the education they need to rise above poverty and lift their communities. Your donation will provide essentials like uniforms, school fees, materials, and more.
Plus, think about the confidence you will bring a girl whose dreams will be within reach. Your kindness and generosity will not only help change the lives of that sweet little girl, but it will also bring joy and warmth in the hearts of your loved ones by gifting a charitable gift in their name.
Read how we've used World Vision Canada feature gifts over the years: https://inrdream.com/2015/11/life-changing-gifts/
Now that your heart is pulling you towards giving a gift that will change lives this holiday season, I suggest you browse the 2019 World Vision Canada’s Gift Catalogue.
Helping is easy!

Who will you gift with World Vision Canada’s feature gifts this holiday?
Thank you for reading Canadian Blogger Tammy from In R Dream!
Thank you, World Vision Canada, for spreading joy worldwide. As always, the articles written on InRdream.com are printed with love, whether they are compensated or not. I tell a story the universe pulls me to share. This is my platform, and I am grateful you stopped by- Thank you.