We Give Back: Our Fifth Kindness Mountain Christmas Incentive

This time of year is hard for many families who already are living paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet. Add Christmas, Santa, gifts on top of that, and many go broke just trying to get through the season. Christmas isn’t about the gifts, but they are a big part of the culture that has established throughout the years. No child should miss out on the magic of the season, that’s why we created our Kindness Mountain Christmas incentive. How do you give back?
We Give Back: How Our Christmas Incentive Works
It was five years ago when I launched our first annual Christmas incentive. Instead of the traditional “blogger” gift guide, I’d ask my clients and partners for help spreading “joy” this holiday season in our hometown of The City of Kawartha Lakes. It works like this. 100% of all the products mentioned here are donations from brands which I’ve partnered with through the year. 100% of my time, creativity, social platform, and photography is donated for our Kindness Mountain incentive. Which means I do not take or make any money or receive any product as part of the campaign. This is 100% a non-profit Christmas campaign.
We Give Back: Because It Explodes Your Heart
Christmas to me is all about giving; my heart is the happiest when I can make someone smile. My favorite part about hosting this incentive every year is on Christmas morning when we take a moment as a family and pause. We vision all the toys we dropped off at the local schools who have families in need. We picture the children routing under the tree and opening up the gifts we’ve been blessed with sharing. We don’t know who these girls and boys are. We don’t know their names, and we won’t receive a thank you card, but it’s not about being recognized it is about spreading love, Joy, Hope, an inspiration that kindness does exist.
We Give Back: Our Fifth Kindness Mountain Christmas Incentive
This year is our fifth annual Kindness Mountain and my favorite campaign of the year. I do this campaign as my way of giving back and speaking to my passion of helping others. I feel a pull towards sharing, inspiring and giving. With our yearly Christmas incentive, I can fill the bucket of those who need some Joy in life and teach our children the importance of looking outside of your own life.
Also, thank you to the people behind the brands that made our Kindness Mountain possible year after year. Thank you, Laura, Marisa, Justine, Maricel, Victoria, Jennifer, Angela, Leslie, Jenn, Victoria, Carly, Rebecca, Taylor, Kassandra to name a few.
“For it is in giving that we receive.” Francis of Assisi
The Word On The Web: We Give Back
Brands are talking, and we’re so grateful for everyone who contributed this year and all the years in the past. We couldn’t do it without you all!
“We’re glad we were able to participate in such a meaningful act.”
“This was such an amazing experience for us here. I am so happy that our donations brought such happiness to those families in need!”
“I love the fact that you do not review the toys for your own purposes, and instead think of others. That’s something that’s hard to come by nowadays, so just know you’re appreciated by many.”
“Thank you so much, Tammy, for such an amazing initiative and tradition you created for your kiddies.”
“I’m so glad that your Kindness Mountain initiative went so well!! We are happy to contribute.”
Comment below telling me how your family give back throughout the year.
Read more about our Christmas incentive. -> Donations to families struggling this season | Who needs your donations at Christmas? | We Give Back – Kindness Mountain In 2015
Thank you for reading In R Dream Canadian Blog.
Please note: this post is in no way sponsored. This initiative is my way of giving back. I donate all my time; efforts and all the sample product brands and clients send me for our Kindness Mountain. I pray that everyone feels joy and love this season. If you’d like to be on my list for our 2018 #KindnessMountain, please email me. Thank you. Happy Holidays!
oh my gosh this is absolutely amazing and warms my heart! i seriously LOVE to give. if i could, i would give to everyone! we usually donate our gentle used toys, canned goods and clothes and this year i was able to donate 10 toys that i had won that were not used that were not age appropriate for my girls.
What beautiful toys,and your Dog is so darn cute!
Giving back bring so much joy!
Yes, it does! I was in such a festive mood today since we dropped off our donations.