Tips for Celebrating the Holidays on a Budget: Sears Canada Wish Book

We are a little over a month until Christmas 2016! Can you believe a New Year is almost here? Have you been working on your naughty and nice list?
I finally started my Christmas shopping and snagged some great deals. We all know the holidays are a busy and expensive time of year, luckily Sears Canada has been a lifeboat for shoppers looking for a one-stop-holiday-shop, all at an affordable price. Shopping the holidays on a budget for your family is at your fingertips.
With a budget of $200, I was able to shop out of the Sears Wish Book scoring some hot deals to put under the tree for my family of six this Christmas. I even scored a few extra gifts for intermediate family.
Tips for celebrating the Holidays on a Budget.
Financial pressures looming on many Canadian families during Christmas can be a very tough time. Celebrating the holidays on a budget doesn’t have to dampen the season. Here are a few tips I use during the holiday’s to help my family achieve a magical Christmas without accumulating debt.
Keep your gift giving to four gifts each.
- Something you want, Something you need, Something to wear, Something to read.
Shop online.
- By watching the deals online, you will be able to score very deep discounts. I started my Christmas shopping in early November with Sears Canada. I saved $50 on an order I placed below by using the coupon code Sears Canada was offering at the time.
Be the first to hear about upcoming sales by following
Sears Canada on Facebook and Twitter.
Think outside the box inside the box.
- Get creative this Christmas. I scored popcorn boxes from the Sears Wish Book which I plan on pairing with a bag of popcorn and a coupon for a family movie night snuggling with Mommy and Daddy over the holidays. The kids will love the creativity, and they even get to pick the movie!
- My husband is getting the Cocktail maker I saw in the Sears Wish Book. Inside will be a coupon for a romantic evening of drinks and hors d’oeuvre after the kids are in bed.
- Our boys marked up the Sears Wish Book with Snow Ball Throwers. These great buys will be included with a coupon to one snowball fight with Mommy this winter.
Be open about budgets with your kids.
- Our children know that they won’t be finding laptops or tablets under the tree. Those are over the top gifts that we couldn’t afford to gift to all four of them. Instead of saying we cannot afford them. We talk about the real needs they have. And realistic desires at Christmastime. They understand the limits we put on their wish lists. We openly speak about them and money with our children. The hardest part of being honest with your kids about budgets is when Santa next door is over doing Christmas and racking up massive debt before the New Year. Parents let’s stick together on this one!
Use cash.
- Step away from your credit cards. By shopping early you can easily spread the cost out over the course of a few months or more before Christmas. There is nothing worst than starting a New Year with regret about overspending during the holidays. Start your shopping this week by checking out all the deals over on Sears Canada website and view the Sears Wish Book online.
Stick to your list.
- I know it’s hard not to overdo gift giving and spoil the kids rotten. But the momentum you set early is what they expect as the year’s go on.
Christmas is not just about physical gifts you buy. It is about the memories and time you give your children. The traditions you celebrate together. The Love you share. Sears Canada is a great place to continue a long family tradition and your one-stop-holiday-shop, all at an affordable price.
What are your tips for celebrating the Holidays on a budget?
Thank you for reading In R Dream!
Thank you, Sears Canada for asking me to share a long-standing tradition in our house, the Sears Wish Book. Although this post is sponsored, as always opinions are my own.