Learning Is Fun With These Tips: Raise A Reader

Schools around the corner and the kids need to be getting back into the swing of things. We’ve tried our best to continue learning throughout the summer but if you didn’t it may be time to get them back on the learning wagon. I’ve had those summers too were learning wasn’t front and center, don’t worry, no one is judging. There is plenty of time to start now to raise a reader.
Let’s all be reminded that learning can be fun. With these tips, the kids will be gearing to go back to school, and you will raise a reader in no time.
Learning Is Fun With These Tips
Bring Learning Outside.
Lay out a couple of blankets out on the grass and read books together. Our kids love when we lay on the lawn together, we chit chat about our surroundings, giggle, and act out silly parts in the story we are reading.
Pick a topic and research it.
Just the other day we caught a Raccoon (who was released) he was causing grief around our country yard. The kids were interested in learning all there was to learn about Raccoons. So we asked Mr. Google all the questions they had pondering on their minds. We drew pictures of what we read or wrote a paragraph (depending on age). The kids had a blast, and we all walked away with new found knowledge.
Play School.
When I was a little girl, my sister and I always played school during the summer. This year, I’ve set up a reward system for our children based on 30 minutes of playing school together. It can be as simple as playing a learning game together. After they complete their 30 minutes of playing school, they get a marble in their jar. Once they get X amount of marbles, they get a reward, treat or piggy bank money. I’ve found they are excited to complete many 30 minute sessions a day, which in turn gets them more marbles and more rewards.
I’ve found they are excited to complete many 30 minute sessions a day, which in turn gets them more marbles and more rewards.
When and Then.
If you’re a parent chances are you’ve heard the when and then rule to parenting. When you’ve read for 30 minutes, then you can play electronics for 30 minutes. We use the when and then in many of our parenting teachings.
- When you’ve done your chore, then you can play the video game.
- When you’ve eaten your dinner, then you can have dessert.
- No dinner, no dessert. No reading, no electronics. No chore, no video game.
When and then makes parenting simple.
Ooka Island App Review.
This summer we were invited to give Ooka Island App a try. With two little boys who are challenged with letter recognition, letter sounds and one with sight words I knew I had nothing to lose by downloading Ooka Island Learning App.
They suggest that children play Ooka Island 30 minutes, three times a week. I will be honest sometimes we struggle with meeting the 30-minute period, summer can be busy. For the most part, our boys are asking me and reminding me about their 30-minute session when I forget.
Our boys are excited to learn because Ooka Island has made learning fun. We both know boys generally aren’t excited to learn. Two thumbs up to Ooka Island.
Unlike most learning apps, I get weekly emails telling me about the progress my children are making. The app quickly noticed that our 6-year-old son was excelling, and Ooka Island bumped him up to a higher level to meet his needs. That was a huge pat on the back for him and was another way Ooka Island is boosting confidence in children.
Ooka Island is a game based reading program that teaches mastery of the five foundational reading skills through 80 hours of educational games and 85 eBooks wrapped in a 24-level adventure.
Another cool feature that Ooka Island has come up with is that I can send cheerleader messages to my children.
Ooka Island app works because it’s built on research and innovation. Ooka Island is scientifically-proven to teach our child the foundational skills they require to be a confident reader.
Our boys have grown in their letter reconizion, sounds and reading this summer by using Ooka Island app. Sitting with them and listening to the growth has made me proud of their hardwork. Thank goodness for Ooka Island it has been the teacher our sons needed this summer to help them feel confident for the upcoming school year.
Get started with a free Ooka Island trial.
Thank you for reading In R Dream!
As part of the Ooka Island Raising a Reader ambassador team, I receive special perks.
Get back in a routine 2 weeks before school starts and getting them involved in helping to make lunches
One way to help raise a reader is for your kids to see their parents read and value reading. We have been trying to have family reading time…where we all snuggle up with a book and have 20-30 mins. of uninterrupted reading time!
Our #RaiseAReader tip is to join the summer reading club at the library.
We’ve been preparing for school by practicing letters and numbers…..my kiddo is just starting JK!
My favorite book to read with my daughter
is I Love You Forever!
My favorite book to read with my daughter
is I Love You Forever!
By teaching them the most basics (Abc,s, name & mothers name) also we love to read & have a nightly before bedtime book EVERY night right on schedule & have been reading on Milk Goes to School this week.
We go to library weekly to borrow new books, she gets to pick the ones she like for me to read to her. We actually just finished a summer reading program from the library and had it celebrated last week. We read at least 20 4x a week.
I get my kids ready by starting our routine slowly back at least the sleeping part at least 3 weeks then 2 really push it more so that they will be good for school, and also help them get excited by going back to school shopping with me
We’re really loving the Junie B Jones series right now, it’s funny for both the kids and the parents!!
We love to read Little House on the Prairie.
I love reading “The Little Engine That Could” to my child because it’s very motivational and teaches that she can do anything
I need my kids to make a list of what they need and we try to get it all in one trip.
#BacktoSchool tip – start getting the kids to bed earlier each night in preparation for going back to school. Bedtimes and routines tend to be pushed aside during the summer. Gradually getting back into a routine will make it easier on everyone.
We love to read the litte Critter books, I use to read them when I was a little girl.
I am preparing my child with back to school with enrolling them in a camp the week before so they get back into the routine of getting up and out the door in the morning instead of the lounging around we have been doing for most of the summer
We have been reading all summer in French and English (my girls are at an FI school) as well as working on math worksheets throughout the summer. We will be re-establishing a more set bedtime routine starting this week to make sure they’re back on track for the first day of school.
My best #raiseareader tip is to read with your child, which means read TO them and have them read to you!
I prepare them by keeping them on schedule weekday so they don’t stray too much.
We have a reading tent set up in my sons playroom. We’ve had it since my son was little. Everyday we take time to snuggle and read. We make it a priority.
We started reading to our kids from the first day they were born, and I think we have readers because we’ve simply made reading a shared activity we all love in our family – we read stories as part of our daily activities, and always for our bedtime routine.
We always started the back to school routine a week before school started. My granddaughter is going to preschool this year, all she needs to get to preschool is a lunch kit for snacks and some new clothes.
I prepare my kids for #backtoschool by getting them back on their school routine and I bring them back to school shopping to build their excitement for returning to school.
My #RaiseAReader tip would be to incorporate reading as part of a daily routine. Reading is so important.
My best raise a reader tip is to start them early and make it fun. Read to them and with them everyday.
The best way to prepare the kids for #BacktoSchool is to get into the school routine of getting up early and going to bed earlier the week before. I also find it adds excitement to their #BacktoSchool routine as you always buy new clothes and shoes and backpacks etc. which definitely has them looking forward to school again.
we get my daughter ready for back to school buy first school supply shopping, clothes shopping then about a week before school start back into the bedtime routine
I prepare my kids for back to school by going to bed early a few nights before