Is A Must Experience For Every Little Girl: Glama Gal Tween Spa

Girl Time Required
In a house full of boys our Miss C (8) makes it known to mommy that we need to take some time for us two girls. She leaves me the cuties little notes under my pillow or asks me when I snuggle her in bed at night. As much as we both love being around the four boys in our house we can only take so much rough play and racing cars before a day at the spa is needed.
When we were asked to attend a VIP Mom & Me at the Glama Gal Tween Spa in Ajax I was thrilled to give my daughter the spa experience she deserves. I am a positive person and don’t want to get into the negative experiences she has received at a few of our local nail salons. I was hoping this would erase the horrible way she felt after her last few experiences. Plus I only recently heard of Glama Gal Tween Spa and thought the idea was brilliant!
What is Glama Gal Tween Spa?
Glama Gal Tween Spa is not your typical spa. From the moment you walk through the doors you can feel the positive energy, it is so much more. It is a way to build on your little or tween girl’s self-esteem and body confidence. It screams girl fun on every corner and during your time there you will almost feel like you’re in a dream.
Everything is candy colored and happy, when you walk through the doors everything but your positive reflection shines through. Your fears melt away, your sadness takes a walk and in those moments your energy is laughing from the inside out.
The staffs at the Glama Gal Ajax location was amazing, they made Miss C comfortable and fit right in. They asked the perfect questions to keep her shining and there was not a moment that she wasn’t amazed.
They make all their lotions and potions at the Glama Gal Newmarket location. You have to trust me on this, the foot and hand scrub smelt and looked like real ice cream!
After our hour of pampering on our feet and hands we snuggled up on this beautiful couch for a mother and daughter picture to remember the day. The best part is they print it right away and frame it for your little girl.
The main floor at Glama Gal Tween Spa in Ajax is lined with memories from all the girls who walked through the doors. Each girl gets to leave their signature on the walls. The hardest part is finding a blank spot to write on. Miss C left her mark in the office at the Glama Gal Tween Spa in Ajax.
From the moment she walked through the doors to the moment she left her smile was infectious. She talked about how amazing the experience was the whole way home, labelling it the best experience EVER! She is counting down the days till her 2015 birthday because she cannot wait to share the Glama Gal Oath with her best friends.
Be Confident! Be Positive! Be YOU!
Intrigued to learn more?
Glama Gal Tween Spa is social chat with Glama Gals on Twitter or ask a question on Facebook. Find out which one of their seven Ontario location is local to you on the Glama Gals website.
Thank you for reading In R Dream!
This is so cute!
That looks amazing and Ajax isn’t TOO far away. I may just look into doing this with my girls!
Kathleen is is so fun for them! Please share if you do 😉
This is adorable. I wish they had places like this when I was a little girl. 🙂
This looks like an amazing place to go with your tween daughter or grandaughter! Signing the wall is a very cool idea!