You’re Invited: Butterball Twitter Party #BBMealIdeas
With Summer closing my meals have been becoming very routine around here. Is it because I am out of ideas or getting lazy as the days of Summer wine down? Maybe a bit of both. I know I am not alone, just the other day my girlfriend sent a bulk email out asking for back to school lunch ideas, timing was prefect because I too was exploring the options.
If your feeling a little like me and feeling lost for meal ideas, then mark your calendars. You’re invited to a Butterball Twitter Party where mom’s like you and I will be sharing our latest creations with each other.
Be sure you’re following your host, @Butterball_CA and your moderators @Jen_Banks @FeistyFrugal @Kidsumers and @InRDream
Use hashtag #BBMealIdeas to join the party!
Don’t forget to RSVP to be eligible to win!