Sweat It Off: Hooded Body Blazer { @zaggora Fashion & Fitness Review }

Last year I was introduced to a company that had my attention, my first Zaggora review was of their vivid Hot Pants, which I still love. This time around Zaggora sent me a few pieces to their new lines, which really impressed me. The reason I was intrigued by Zaggora because Zaggora’s Hotwear fitness clothing makes you sweat. Zaggora has proven that Zaggora Hotwear clothing burns calories much faster. Learn more here how Zaggoras is helping your body during and after you exercise.

Zaggora Hooded Blazer

This time around Zaggora sent me their Hooded Body Blazer, to help me sweat off these extra baby pounds. My first thought when I heard about Zaggoras new upper body line was, I am happy with my bust size and didn’t want any shrinkage happening there. I am confident in saying that most woman in my circles would have the same feelings. Of course Zaggora already had those thoughts and they applied a cooling material in the bust area. It is clear Zaggora understands what a woman needs and wants.

Zaggora’s  Hooded Body Blazer targets your tummy and arms, toning and shaping by using your natural body heat, but not shirking your bust.

I was surprised how comfortable Zaggora’s  Hooded Body Blazer was, hugging my bodies curves. It is very light weight and flexible, it supports my body and creates a smooth silhouette limiting the rolls imperfections woman such as myself have after children. Which leaves me feeling confident when working out.

A few of my favorite features are the cooling mesh at the bust area to keep you cool and fresh, not minimizing my size. Anti-odor sports mesh at the underarms to aerate and neutralize odor, which give’s a little boost to my hardworking Secret Deodorant. I love the Ice-cool jersey at the collar and sleeves that keep me cool as the sweat starts heating up. I love the yellow waterproof, reflective hood which keeps me safe during my early morning jogs and my hair dry in the rain. The clear-windowed pocket on the arm keeps my cell phone safe and easy to reach.

Zaggora hooded Blazer review

“Recently I have been working hard at adding a morning jog to my routine. Well the mornings are peaceful and calm they are still very cold and damp. I love that no matter the temperature I can throw on my Zaggora’s Vivid Hot Pants under a pair of track pants, top my Zaggora’s Hot Top with my Zaggora’s Hooded Body Blazer and jog off. My own body heat keeps me so warm that when I return after a light jog around the block I am sweating even when the temptature outside is freezing. Not to mention I feel great, look great, I am calm and ready to take on the day. I haven’t noticed any huge changes to my body that I would claim to be 100% because of Zaggora, however I would have to say my confidence has grown when I am wearing my Zaggora pieces. For someone who is new working out, in my opinion confidence is first the most important thing to start with. Once you have the confidence and drive you can start to sweat it off. “

How do you sweat if off?

Thanks for reading In R Dream!

( I was provided a sample, I wasn’t asked or was it expected but I shared my honest review. )

9 thoughts on “Sweat It Off: Hooded Body Blazer { @zaggora Fashion & Fitness Review }”

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