Mission: Sears Registry With Scanner In Hand #SearsBabysRoom

Mission Challenge
R mission this month as part of Sears The Baby’s Room Brand Ambassador’s is to set up a baby registry from start to finish.
I was so exciting the timing for this mission came at the perfect time. My Lil’ Sis is expecting her first this March and weeks before my mission challenge arrived in my inbox my Lil’ Sis asked me to tag along and help them register. As a mama of 4 wee ones I was honored she values my experience. I was thrilled to tag along and even more thrilled to write about our journey.
R Experience With Sears The Baby’s Room Gift Registry
Step 1: We thought it would be a time saver to start our registry from home, Lil’ Sis simply filled out the on-line application it was an effortless process, name, address, baby due date etc… This can be done in store and is just as easy.
Step 2: After introducing ourselves and mission the lovely manager of The Baby’s Room set us up with a scanner that was logged into the account we had already set up. She gave us brief instructions and we were off, scanner in hand and a store full of UPC’s.
Note: We did run into a few scanning issues and the staff were very quick to help get us back on track. I would suggest asking for help right away it happens all the time and the ladies are happy to assist where they can.
Step 3: Lil’ Sis was lucky to have me as her right hand ” baby expert” but keep in mind all the staff at Sears The Baby’s Room have been fully trained to answer all your baby question. To my surprise these ladies go through a fair bit of on-line training as well as setting up the department displays, which helps them get familiar with new product. We scanned, felt, read, talked, debated and giggled as we dreamed though the department.
Step 4: When we were complete and satisfied we got the attention of the manager who set us up, she helped finalize the process with us. She also asked if we set up for the waiting game when we registered in step 1? It was no surprise to her that we didn’t even see that step in our original application, she assured us it happens all the time. I really feel once you set up your on-line application it should automatically direct you to The Waiting Game Contest, be alert and make sure you look for the link to register for it on the left hand side.
Overall, we had a wonderful time exploring Sears The Baby’s Room with a scanner in hand, as we dreamed of the wee one on the way, and learned about all the amazing and unique brands Sears carries. Sears The Baby’s Room was were I first registered 7 years ago, I still remember the excitement we felt as we left with only waiting left to do…
We Know The Waiting Game
We are familiar with Sears Canada’s unique “Waiting Game” contest. 7 years ago Sears was the only registry there was and we had everything completely bought off our registry with a value of over $3000 in product. The date was picked and the waiting begun…
To complete surprise, I was in labor the night before our recorded date, I remember thinking “WOW I am having this baby on my due date! SCORE! ” It was a long day and without getting into complete details of my labor (which was ah natural might I brag about) pushing started @ 9:30 pm. I pushed, and pushed and pushed some more, midnight was creeping the nurses were cheering me on there was a lot of money on the line here. Mid- night passed and our beautiful healthy baby girl was born @ 12: 45 am. Although we didn’t win the value of everything on our registry! We have a story to share as part of our birth plan that went Au Revoir.
Note: Parents create a registry and register for items, and then correctly guess your baby’s arrival date! The date can be changed up to two times, at least 60 days prior to the “guesstimated” original date. If the baby does indeed arrive on the guessed date, the winners will be awarded coupons equivalent to the net amount of items purchased off of the registry. Click Here for more details.
FYI: The most recent winner won just over $3000 to spend back in Sears The Baby’s Room!
Baby Days Are On
From January 11th, 2013 to January 24th, 2013 almost all baby merchandise will be on sale! You’ll find 15% off all cribs, strollers, travel systems, travel accessories, nursery furniture, high chairs, boosters, playards, bouncers and swings, and 20% off all humidifiers, monitors, carriers, gates and Halo sleep sacks!! PLUS, some items will have even DEEPER discounts.
Thank for reading In R Dream
“Disclosure: I am part of the Sears – The Baby’s RoomAmbassador program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.”
I love that you gave your expertise and that you were so close to getting the stuff you wanted for free. Sears has gotten so amazing at filling their baby section with some great baby items.
So close, LOL babies come when they want! LOL
OOH!! My SIL is due on March 13th too – I must tell her about registering at Sears. She will be so excited.
WOW small world!
Anything that makes shopping easier is great for me. I have always loved registries. If I can’t decide, I just get a store gift certificate and then you can choose. I love Sears!!!
Sometimes those are the best gifts 🙂
This sounds like so much fun! I’ve actually never registered for anything but it’s definitely a useful way to make sure that you get gifts you actually need!
Seeing all these Sears Registry posts are getting me really excited to have another one 🙂
Those scanners are so much fun arn’t they! I loved making a registry and revisiting it to make changes, browse the website and plan, plan, plan!
I remembering registering when I was expecting, it’s so fun and exciting! It sounds like it was fun trip and that’s neat you got to go with your sis. I’m glad they were on top of any issues and eager to help, sounds like a great staff!
That is very cool. With my babies, I created a baby registry. No one ever used it. 🙁 I wish they had. I think it needs to become a bit more common place for people to visit the registry just like a wedding registry. It really helps the shopper know their tastes and what they can really use for the baby.
I think it’d be so fun to have a scanner and go around and put everything on your wishlist. I’ll keep them in mind!
How cool is that? Love it! So cool that they even have perks surrounding the due date! Thanks for sharing 😉