Hydro Outage, now what?
Last week, I woke up in the dark. OK I do most days, I like to raise before the kids and enjoy the quiet. gather my thoughts and list my day. I woke to a BANG, and what seemed to be a Hydro outage. OH NO….. after a quick hunt by my hubby to make sure the BANG didn’t come from R house. We were in the clear. R call was placed. OK now what?
I realized I am not prepared for these situations.
Couldn’t find a lighter, or a candle.
Had to Google Hydro number on R cell. Thank you BELL!
Flashlight had only a little juice.
The only water was have was in R well.
My mind was in worry mode. 4 kids ( 5 and under) and no hydro? Now what?
Anyone who personally knows us knows we have a cottage in Northern Ontario, far far northern Ontario. It has no hydro or running water. So roughing it is something we enjoy a few times a year. The only difference is we are prepared up there, we expect that. Candles sit at table side, buckets of water are ready, and a out house is just assumed.
But at home, it had me in a tail spin. Don’t open the fridge, don’t flush the toilet, don’t run the water, how will I warm a baby bottle?
To my luck we heat R house by a wood stove! ((Relief)) So we made the morning FUN!
Toast on the wood stove, anyone?
Baby wipes were my friend, and sanitizer was a relief!
I got one off to school, and took the other 3 for a early morning walk…. of course someone fell in mud, LOL
it’s safe to say a baby wipe bath was had.
And MacDonald play center here we come……
The lesson that was learned was I have to be more prepared for the twist and turns and road bumps that life throws at us. It worked out find and power was restored after lunch.
In a bigger situation I would of been in trouble!
R you prepared?
Any tips for me?